cybery NET

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Microsoft's Battle For Software Mindshare

Chemicaloli writes to mention a BBC article about Microsoft's battle to convince users they need to buy new software. The article explores the changes to the UI in Microsoft Office 2007. Along with the changes prompted by the adoption of the 'Ribbon', the article also looks at some of the software's new features.
From the article: "'One of the biggest challenges... is to fight that perception that old versions of software are good enough,' said Microsoft's Chris Capossela. Office 2007 goes on sale to business on 30 November, the same date new operating system Vista is launched. 'Our business model of course allows you to keep using Office 2003 — the software doesn't really expire,' said Mr Capossela, corporate vice president of the Microsoft Business Division. Many large businesses will have Office 2007 delivered as part of existing IT contracts but small business and individual consumers will need persuading to make the change."

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Friday, November 10, 2006

Developing JavaServer Faces Web Applications With AJAX Using Sun Java Studio Creator

A new 2 day workshop for developers interested in leveraging existing JSF and AJAX-based web-tier components to build web applications.
The Developing JavaServer Faces Web Applications With AJAX Using Sun Java Studio Creator course covers the basics of web applications programming using the asynchronous programming model. The course discusses theories for properly assembling a well-designed web application. The primary focus of this course is the overview of JavaServer Faces and asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) technologies...

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Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Girls have the geek gene, too

By Jen Gerson. "On Thursday, women will take over Markham's Cascon 2006, one of the largest computer conferences in Canada to discuss the challenges of being wanted for your big, beautiful, techie-competent grey matter. I.D. chatted with one of the key speakers, Dr. Telle Whitney, president of the Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology, about why young women are frightened by the prospect of joining a field dominated by intelligent men who have no idea how to please them. Q So, women and technology. Why do they need their own symposium? A At one point in computer science, women were almost 40 per cent of the bachelors degrees in the United States and right now and now they're closer to 27 per cent. I think many of the research institutions, it's less than 20 per cent in computer science and in engineering, it's probably closer to 11 per cent graduating. And so there's not that many women. ... Q Should we bring more women in? Aren't there few enough jobs in technology that we need to bring women too, into it? A These companies are hiring. There are not enough engineers to fill the jobs that they have. According to the department of labour, eight out of 10 of the fastest-growing industries in the U.S. have an I.T. component. ..."

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